目前分類:5.聽力翻譯(影集、電影) (3)

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格列喵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

美劇 影集-女大當自強

Episode 1

格列喵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

🟨script source: 
big jerk 大混球
get a job
in the meantime 同時
by now 目前為止 
private school 私立學校 (可以說是 補習班)
program 課程
ran off with your bestfriend 和你的朋友跑了
You know, I know this really cool lady who runs this elementary school I wrote a piece on her. 
你知道嗎 我認識一位我曾寫過一篇報導很酷的創辦學校老太太,
It's a public  school, but it's alternative. 介於公立學校與私立學校之間
Assuming they have the displine. 如果他們都肯守紀律的話
i would teach them to have discipline.我會教他們紀律
a lot of our parents are struggling to feed their kids, to pay the rent.
they wouldn't have to. 他們不用幫忙
these kids are going to be committed. 這些孩子們會全力以赴! 
their attention span doesn't go past do. 他們認知限度部會超過太多

i'll put you down as sub. 我讓你暫時作為代課老師

plunking 撥弄(琴弦) ; (隨意地)重重放下 
 eg: Just plunk the shopping bags (down) on the table, and 
    come and have a cup of tea. 
 eg: Come in and plunk yourselves (down) (= sit down) anywhere 
    you like.進來隨便坐。 

wimp 懦夫

hand out the violin 分發小提琴

you decent ? 你還沒睡?

用來問裡面的人是否有穿好衣服, 以免看到不該看的而尷尬


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